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Forecast issued by NVE and MET for Balsfjord Friday 2024-03-29

Highest danger level per day
The highest danger level per day is currently only governed by flood and landslide warnings


Green level (NVE)


Green level (NVE)


Increasing wind in the afternoon may form unstable wind slabs. Terrain near ridgelines and cols are the most prone. The sun will continue to heat steep slopes, but the problem is decreasing after multiple days of warming and refreezing. Be aware of slipping on an old, hard crust layer. (NVE)


It is possible to trigger persistent weak layers under small wind slabs, and wet avalanches may occur naturally in steep, sun-facing slopes. It’s uncertain if deeper persistent weak layers are possible to trigger, but if you do, avalanches can get large. (NVE)

Indre Troms

There are generally stable conditions. Small avalanches are possible to trigger in wind slabs, which can be deposited above surface hoar/facet crystals. Small wet avalanches can occur in steep sun-facing slopes. The snow surface can be hard so consider the consequences of slipping if you are seeking steep terrain. (NVE)


Generally stable conditions. Small wind slabs, which can be deposited on top of surface hoar, are possible to trigger. Small natural released avalanches are possible in steep sun-facing slopes. The snow surface can be hard so consider the consequences of slipping if you are seeking steep terrain. (NVE)


Generally stable conditions. Small wind slabs, which can be deposited on top of surface hoar, are possible to trigger. Small natural released avalanches are possible in steep sun-facing slopes. The snow surface can be hard so consider the consequences of slipping if you are seeking steep terrain. (NVE)
