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Read more about how to read and share observations on Varsom app and Regobs system | Varsom.no.

Ski touring in Norway - important information | Varsom.no

Avalanche warning for region Voss Thursday 25.05.2023

Danger level 1 - Low avalanche danger

Above ca. 1000 m a.s.l. some fresh snow is expected. In a few steep slopes, dry sluffs can be easily released. Sporadically, small slabs will be formed and probably stick well to wet snow or bare ground. These slabs will be more difficult to release.

Cornices are often unstable at this time of year.

Avalanche problems

New snow (loose snow avalanches)

You can easily trigger avalanches on a few steep slopes. Avalanches are relatively harmless to people, but can knock you off balance. Can be dangerous close to terrain traps. (size 1)

Loose snow

Below you can see a description of the current snow cover information and current weather forecast in the mountains. If your observations deviate greatly from what is described here, the warning will not necessarily apply either. Always make your own judgments or stay away from avalanche terrain.

Snow cover (in Norwegian)

Wednesday 24. May 2023

Snøgrensa varierer i regionen og er høgast i sørvendte hellingar og lengst ut mot kysten. Bekkar har opna seg mange stadar, men det er godt med snø i fjellet. Snøen er i hovudsak grovkorna, smelteomvandla og drenerer godt.

Eldre svake lag i snødekket har i hovedsak smelta vekk, men det kan vere enkelte islag i snødekket.

Mountain weather

Wednesday 24. May 2023

4-6 mm precipitation. Precipitation as rain. Breeze from south, changing to fresh breeze from the southwest during renoon. 0 °C to 6 °C at 1100 m a.s.l. Partly cloudy.

Thursday 25. May 2023

14 mm precipitation, up to 20 mm in the most exposed areas. Rain up to 1000 m a.s.l during the afternoon. Strong breeze from west. -1 °C to 4 °C at 1100 m a.s.l. Partly cloudy.


The bulletin is a planning tool and may differ from the actual situation. Always make your own evaluation. To be 100 % avalanche safe, avoid all avalanche terrain.

Avalanche risk assessment

Over ca. 1000 moh er det venta litt nysnø som vil gje ein forbigåande auke i faren for små, tørre snøskred. Laussnøskred kan vere lett å løyse ut i bratte heng, eller gå av seg sjølv der sola kjem. Der vinden tar, kan snøen legge seg i små nysnøflak som festar seg godt til våt snø eller barmark. Dei vil vere vanskelegare å løyse ut.

Skavlar er ofte ustabile på denne tida av året.

Under nysnøgrensa er snøen smelteomdanna og stort sett stabil.

Avalanche danger scale Important information for ski touring
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